The CMRC Committee

  • Janet MacMillan, Secretary

  • Hunter Jones, CMRC President

  • Suzi Hardwick, Treasurer and Public Officer

  • Greg Roberts, Immediate Past President

  • Peter MacMillan, Events Coordinator

  • Julian Mclean, Vice President

Our people

Support team

Our main support comes not only from our race-day volunteers and officials, but also our committee and our race secretary staff. Our team of volunteers have a great track record in organising international, national and club events at all levels. They operate under the regulations of the General Competition Rules, and the licencing requirements of the controlling body for motorcycle sport in each state of Australia. Our current Race Secretary is Level 3 experienced who works brilliantly with organisers, track staff, competitors and sponsors.

Officials and volunteers

Each race day requires a team of volunteers as on and off-track officials. Off-track officials required include scrutineering and management staff while on-track officials include starter and start-line controllers, pit control, flaggies, race control and communications staff. Events running under SCB’s (State Controlling Body’s) require MA licenced officials including a Clerk of the Course, Chief Marshal, Chief Scrutineers (equipment and bike), Eligibility Scrutineer, Starter, lap scorers and communication. An event Steward is provided by the SCB and ratified by MA.


National and International events require the services of experienced commentators and we’ve been lucky to be supported by the talented voices of luminaries:

Guest commentators have also included Steve Parrish (Stavros), Maria ‘Elvis’ Costello, Jeremy McWilliams and Freddie Spencer, among others.

Trainers and development officers

All volunteers and flag marshals receive basic instruction under experienced licenced officials. Ongoing training is undertaken on a regular basis and an important part of the professional approach we take to officiating at our events.

Technical officers

Members of CMRC are the most respected and experienced machine scrutineers, examiners and eligibility scrutineers in Australia. They willingly respond to requests for information on developing a race bike that will pass eligibility anywhere in Australia. One word of warning however – the eligibility rules have been developed over time in a methodical way. In other words, they are not open to interpretation. The advice is to check before you build and provide what evidence you have to support a claim for eligibility.

Note for international competitors - bikes eligible for classes in the UK, New Zealand, Ireland the USA can compete in designated international events, via an application to Motorcycling Australia (MA), which our team will assist with. Note also the MA fuel regulations, up to Post Classic may use methanol (alcohol). Bikes from P5, Forgotten Era and younger are restricted to 99RON unleaded.